2016-02-21 - Sunday WOD with Courtney


~15.0 miles @ ~14.0 min/mi

"Are you running home with that?" the lady on the W&OD Trail asks as I sprint by holding a cup of coffee. Courtney Jenkins and I have just emerged from the Whole Foods in downtown Vienna, a quarter of the way into today's training trek. Two hours later we pause the GPS again to refuel at a Rite Aid drugstore in Falls Church, where a chocolate-peanut-butter ice cream cup cancels out several more of my miles. A light drizzle begins mid-morning, but temperatures stay warm. Fine conversation includes race anecdotes, injury reports, training tips, and random reminisces. A gray-brown female cardinal flits away next to her scarlet mate. We admire a Bavarian-style mansion with turrets and stonework.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-03-03